I meant to have this post done before Rosh Hashanah but it got pretty busy but anyway here it is now, hopefully in enough time for Sukkot!
I always like to think of things I can make that are going to last from year to year and is less holiday specific.You can put these up for Rosh Hashanah and leave them up through Sukkot. Or even use them as Sukkah decorations.
They are not expensive to make they just require a little time and patience.
What you will need
Paint brush
Package of small Styrofoam balls
thick thread or clear fishing line
a couple of pins and a sewing needle
white glue or Mod Podge*
thin paper such as tissue paper or crepe paper
beads of your choice
beads of your choice
I wanted to be able to hang these in our sukkah later so I used Outdoor Mod Podge. It is much thicker than white glue and creates a nice finished seal. You should be able to find it at any craft store, I got mine at Michael's
I would highly recommend using fishing line instead of thread though, just because it is going to be far more durable, especially if you plan to put it in your sukkah where it could get rained on.
Chag Sameach!
May it be His will that next year we will celebrate in Yerushalayim!