Thursday, 28 March 2013

Sorrow and Joy Collide

© K Taylor March 28th 2013

What do you do when sorrow and joy collide
how can you reconcile both pain and delight inside
well here is the problem the issue that'll arise
you see hurt and pain is a whole lot stronger
and it will dominate the battle every time
it cuts you down  - leaves you in the heap
and no matter how hard you try
it will always haunt your sleep

The truth is I am not sure how anyone survives
if they don't have the Father to reach down and dry their eyes
cause he knows our pain and he knows it hurts
it's happened to him countless times
so before we scream the hows and whys
maybe we should look to him who bled and hang
dayenu - it would have been enough
yet Father still comfort us - for it's You we trust