The Good Fight - July 2nd 2012
There will never be a battle harder
nor at times more unseen
than the ones fought daily
behind the scenes
there is little praise for victory
yes, usually more mockery
but it is the one that if you lose
could cost you eternity
So let your faith be strong
and your spirit meek
for G-d so loved us first
so that we should seek
to serve him first in all we do
and that no matter what
it would be him we'd turn to
for He orders the steps
of His righteous sheep
and He rescues them
when they start to bleat
the wicked are not so
they fall on their way
getting caught in the thorns
and the things people say
they think they have strength
in their feeble feet
and forget the words
we were to diligently keep
So remember my friend
don't let your guard down
the enemy prowls
when you're not around
and no matter what things we accomplish
no matter what praise we receive
there will never be anything greater
than fighting for what we believe

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