So Believe it or not it was actually raining this
afternoon! Then it turned into a beautiful "Ontario snow"...yeah that
means it made everything very slushy on the roads but hey, that's the
price you pay for scenic winter pictures.
This week I have been mulling over the Parshah....over and over and
over again. Vayetze
is one of those portions that I think my "for further information file"
is just pretty well stuffed as far as it can be.....until I read it
again, then somehow I manage to stuff a few more files into that bad
boy. Not to say that I don't ever get anything out of it or I don't
learn anything. Actually right now my brain is going back and forth like
a pin ball machine gone haywire! But all my "aHa"s, inquisitive "oh"s,
or boarder line "hmm"s are in such a jumbled mess of thoughts and
references bouncing back and forth I just can't seem to write them matter how many times I backspace and start over again :P
Oh well, perhaps better luck next Parshah?
Lila Tov(good night) and enjoy the pictures, I enjoyed taking them :o)
Oh yeah, and I must give a shout out to Mr. Squicciarini, I was listening to a podcast today and heard you read a comment I made on the web-site during the meeting, you'll probably never read this but I just wanted to say thanks (and congratulations) for being one of the select few to actually pronounce my name correctly on the first attempt, for that I salute you sir!
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