Thursday, 25 April 2013

Emor: Say! How long is Forever!?....

If you've been reading through the Torah schedule for any amount of time there may be a couple phrases that you have noticed repeatedly cropping up. One has to do with the eternal nature of HaShem's instruction and the other to do with the fact that whether native born or not, if one has the desire to follow HaShem, the decrees are just as binding to him/her(the one that joins Israel) as the native born who is walking in the ways of the Almighty.
"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"

The "forever" really popped out to me again this year...I think especially since many times it's so explicitly tied to something tabernacle related. In the age of exile that we live in, it has become unfortunately impossible for us to keep a good portion of HaShem's instructions. We can become almost too comfortable entirely focusing on the "spiritual symbolism" of them that we can actually start to forget the numbers of times HaShem says that these should be "eternal decrees for you among your generations". Now before you start jumping to conclusions, I am not saying the symbolism isn't of Paul would say: "G-d forbid!" But on the contrary Mashiach is the goal of the Torah!

For Mashiach is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. - Rom 10:4 

The words translated "end" is the word τέλος (tel'-os) in the Greek which means "goal or conclusion, point, result or purpose". He is the beginning("in the beginning was the Word") and the end - the point of the whole story. Everything is pointing or shadowing him, his work, and character. However we must guard ourselves from the apathy that drives the belief that "once I understand the meaning behind the deed, doing the deed doesn't matter"...for if this were the case HaShem would have said something like: "these things shall be for you to do, observe and keep....but only until you discover how they picture Mashiach, then you can just forget about the rest of the stuff."....Are we so afraid that somehow by doing something that would now have even more meaning to us become "legalism" or "earning our salvation"? That's ridiculous "logic"!

I know the question comes up a lot in Torah study "so how does Messiah fit into all of this?" and as innocently as it may be intended the phrase implies that we have to try to fit Messiah into the Torah like He wasn't there in the first place! And, let's admit it, it is much more comfortable to discuss the spiritual platitudes of the Tabernacle services then to discuss the nitty gritty-rubber meets the road of taking that animal of mine and bringing it up to Jerusalem and watching it go up in flames on the alter(cha-ching!)....not to mention making sure we are fit to go there in the first place....isn't it? I'll be honest, it is not a natural bend for me to make in my faith! But then again, is anything without the work of the Holy One in our life? Hmmm...

I guess what I am getting at is that even though we may not understand how something points to Mashiach, it does not mean that it doesn't, in fact, scream it from the hill tops! How arrogate to think that just because I don't see the benefit that there isn't one? Maybe it's not about me(whoa what a thought!)? Maybe it's just a matter of learning like a child and taking my Father at His word that this is what righteousness looks like, this is what Mashiach looks like, and if we are in Him this is what He wants us to look like too.

Whether you were born into a believing community or not is not the prerequisite, it has always been and always will be by faith alone so that no man can boast. Faith is a gift! So lets not waste it by missing out on walking in what points us(and others) to our Master Yeshua!

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear G-d, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. ~Ecc 12:13

For this is the love of G-d, that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous.  ~ 1Jn 5:3  

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ~Romans 12:1,2

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Dissect this! Truth and Lies 101

A good lie contains just enough truth to make it believable however just shy enough to lead people down a completely different path. Like a great big ball of wax that if only held to the heat of truth we'd see how much of it just won't hold up to the facts.

This stuff really bugs me...maybe because I am naturally a little cynical to begin with and no matter whether it's true or false it may take a little longer for me to swallow....something that can hinder me in being quick to follow truth but pays off in holding out to test the things that look tasty but are just worm infested(a trait that comes in handy if you spend any time gardening too!)

Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing the Master says...dang those nasty know they had to kill the sheep first to wear it's clothes don't you?! That's what lies do, the truth is dead to those that hear it because it's filled with lies! BAM!

*Well I don't know about you but I am against the malicious dissection of sheep especially when it inevitably leads to the harm of other sheep.

Test what you heard and see peeps! Kill the wolf if you have the chance or more than likely it will just go find another sheep to open up and hide in.

Shabbat Shalom

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 7:15 

*in a figurative sense where the sheep represents truth and or a member of the faith! And while I don't count the killing of sheep for meat production to be "malicious dissection" there are those that would consider it so...and so to make sure that I am not aligned with those of that particular view I have clarified said point!

Monday, 1 April 2013

What do Pesach, socks, and Mashiach have in common?...

Yes I'll admit it has been pretty dead on this sliver of the internet lately but getting ready for a wedding and Pesach in the same month demands some serious prioritization....that and kissing your regular sleep patterns goodbye.

All in all we survived the chaos and actually managed to pull off a pretty good wedding I think. My neat freakness is settling down a little more now that we have *most* of the boxes organized again and put away. It was touch and go last Monday as we began to wade through the worst of the post wedding array that got hastily shoved into this or that box in the frenzy to clear out of the hall at a semi decent hour, get the last bit of Pesach cleaning done, and table laid. Baruch HaShem I am not sure how we managed it but we we're sitting down at evening with time to spare!

As crazy as Pesach is at times though I think it's one of my favourite times of the year. Maybe becasue all the cleaning and preparations build the expectation more or maybe because my simplicity is naturally attracted to the practical elements of the cleaning and the getting rid of the chametz. Or maybe just because I genuinely like cleaning....though I try not to be too obsessive ;).

I don't know if your mum made you do this or not but we were always made to clean our drawers on a regular basis growing up. It always amazed me how much room I had after I was done neatly folding and organizing really was great!...for all of about a week until you lazily fell back into the old way of shoving things in, pushing them down and quickly pushing the drawer closed like you were trying to keep the jack in the box that lived in there from popping out at an inopportune time.

It just seems to be that over time things can pile up or get put in the wrong place. We even begin to collect things we shouldn't or hide things that we ought not to be holding on to. Pesach is the chance to get that fresh start. Reorganizing and prioritizing...tossing those socks that don't have a match, mending the things that need repaired and getting rid of the things that for *whatever* reason crept in over the year. Maybe what I believe on this or that is valid but I've allowed it to dominate my focus too much and draw me away from the weighty matters. Maybe I am holding on to ideas that have no basis and need to be thrown out. Maybe I need to evaluate the company I keep, the way I spend my time etc.

Everything needs a little freshening up now and then whether it be a good cleaning or the odd calibration we need the times to reorient ourselves on the narrow way and make sure that we keep Messiah at the centre of that walk. Remembering our redemption, the cost, and the fact that the most Holy One of Israel cares so much about having a personal relationship with us that He would humble Himself to such a state! The require-er of the penalty took the penalty Himself. Whoa if that is not mind bending I am not sure what is!...Just a little cleaning tip - if you only put one thing back in the drawer make sure it's that one right there!

Chag sameach and lila tov