This stuff really bugs me...maybe because I am naturally a little cynical to begin with and no matter whether it's true or false it may take a little longer for me to swallow....something that can hinder me in being quick to follow truth but pays off in holding out to test the things that look tasty but are just worm infested(a trait that comes in handy if you spend any time gardening too!)
Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing the Master says...dang those nasty know they had to kill the sheep first to wear it's clothes don't you?! That's what lies do, the truth is dead to those that hear it because it's filled with lies! BAM!
*Well I don't know about you but I am against the malicious dissection of sheep especially when it inevitably leads to the harm of other sheep.
Test what you heard and see peeps! Kill the wolf if you have the chance or more than likely it will just go find another sheep to open up and hide in.
Shabbat Shalom
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 7:15
*in a figurative sense where the sheep represents truth and or a member of the faith! And while I don't count the killing of sheep for meat production to be "malicious dissection" there are those that would consider it so...and so to make sure that I am not aligned with those of that particular view I have clarified said point!
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