This past week I tackled my stemware Chanukkiah and I have to say I am more than pleased with the outcome. This is really inexpensive to make because all thrift stores have an overwhelming amount of mismatching stemware for cheap!
To do this you need:
9 pieces of steamware
enamel/glass paint
make-up sponges
electricians tape
Use the electric tape to tape off stripes or other designs on your glasses.
I started out measuring from the rim down to make sure I had the stripe straight but eventually found it easier [and just as effective] to pull the tape taunt and just "eye ball it" as I turned the glass.
My paint was on the relatively thick side as well so I found it worked well to prime my sponge first by getting it wet and squeeze it out before dipping in the paint. This opened the pores of the sponge and helped thin the paint.
Sponge over the area you want to paint until you're happy with the results and carefully peel back the tape.
Cut out shapes from a strip of tape and paint over them for this effect.
A word about glass paint...
**I know in the finished photo I have the tea lights in the bottom of the glass but when it comes time to actually light them I plan on using some kind of filler(Epson salts, pebbles etc.) so they are not so far down inside the glass. This will prevent the unsightly black flame rings and keep the glass from getting to hot.
Thanks to for giving me this idea
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