Thursday, 1 January 2015

10th of Tevet

Today, the tenth of the Hebrew month of Tevet, is the anniversary of the day Babylon laid siege to Jerusalem in the year 3336(425-BCE) which ultimately led to the destruction of the Temple(9th of Av) and our exile to Babylon for 70yrs.

This sad day on our calender is traditionally marked with fasting and reflection, both on those sad events of the past and also on our own personal path with HaShem.

The Sages explain:

  “Every generation for which the Temple is not rebuilt, is as though the Temple was destroyed for that generation.”

Just as at Pesach we are to celebrate the feast as if we personally came up out of Egypt, our Sages want us to also personally connect with the tragedies of our people as well. I think that is very wise. In any family there are going to be bumps and potholes, and also times for joy and celebration. What kind of person would one be if we showed up only for the celebrations and never for the deaths, the hard times, the losses etc?

Now I will be honest I did not grow up with this calender...and in many ways it still feels foreign...and unfortunately it is usually mostly at these times, the times of mourning. I don't want it to be that way, I want the words of my Master to be fulfilled in my life when He says: Blessed are they that mourn, for they will be comforted!" . When these days are turned into days of gladness and joy as the prophet Zachariah* says I want to be able to experience that to the full degree.

For more information on this day here are a few other links to check out:

 "Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children..." -Deut. 4:9

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