Saturday, 17 October 2015

So much for silence

Here it goes I am going to do my best to break the blog silence! Why have I not been writing for so long? Well many reasons I suppose, lack of time and energy being a main one.

It is a funny thing how life takes you through cycles. When I started this blog I seemed to be blessed with perspective and just enough extra time to give it a coherent voice! Lately, (and by that I mean at least the last year) that has just not been the case. Its been more of a "hanging on for dear life" kind of time ....I hope that means G-d has just added another brick to the load because I have gotten stronger, but I'll be honest, it feels more like I have gotten weaker as I struggle to remain centred on this little Rock of mine as everything swirls around me. I feel like I've been on the proverbial rack emotionally -- And am no longer living, just surviving. And that is not the most conducive to clear articulated inspiration thoughts(as this entry proves), even when they do occur the energy it takes to convey them often evades the ponderer long enough for the thought to vanish as quickly as it appeared.

Now you may think that sounds rather defeatist and you are entitled to your opinion but can you blame the pot for burning because all the water boiled away? 

But this too is fleeting and it too shall pass, but what is the conclusion of the matter? Fear G-d and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. 

I'll live because He lives.


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