Wow it's hard to believe that the holidays are almost behind us! What a awesome(literally!) time though.
The sukkah is our effort, it's flimsy, not impervious to rain or wind (or snow). All these things remind us that we must rely on the only One who can truly provide protection and shelter. The One who covered us by a cloud by day and fire by night in the wilderness. The One who, in His mercy, chose to place His tent among us. HaShem, the King himself!
I hope this Sukkot was filled with joy. And I pray for shalom for those I know who have experienced loss during the feast, may you find shelter and comfort in His Shadow.
As we all say farewell to the sukkah may it's meaning and message continue to speak to us throughout the year.
Nice!! Your sukka looks awesome! Great place to hang out and midrash :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a good reminder indeed that this is only our temporary home. I think that's why I've always had a special feeling/connection with this feast. I've always loved contemplating the temporal nature of this world and the good things that are to come. Although, I still have a hard time imagining tabernacling with the King of kings!
Ah, and Ecclesiastes! When I first came to the faith and was studying on my own, I was a little lost when it came to Tanach readings. But I remember going through this book early on in my little pocket NIV that I had, and it had such a profound effect on me. I can still remember the chills that were sent down my spine when I read at the end of the book "the sum of the whole matter is this: fear G-d and keep His commandments, as this is man's whole duty". I hadn't embraced the fullness of Torah at this point, but this definitely planted the seed in me that the only thing that matters is serving Him and following His ways. That is our mission while we await His return in this temporary home of ours...
Chag sameach again and I hope you enjoy rejoicing with the Torah today/tonight!