It's not that I don't like flying, but a whole day of the constant roar of an aircraft engine can take it's toll on a person who enjoys the shalom of solitude :). The last half of the trip I was fighting a mild migraine too(packed the meds in my checked bag...dumb!) so by the time we got in the car to drive home from the airport I was starting to feel especially dizzy and a little sick, blah worst part about migraines! Thankfully after taking an ibuprofen and getting some good food into me (Grandma you make gooood biscuits!!) I started feeling much better.
At least I don't get sick while flying! Something I can't say about the poor guy who was seated next to me on the second stretch of the trip....Oh that awkward moment when someone is leaning into a paper barf bag and the stewardess is going through the cabin selling headsets :S yep! I experienced that one for the 1st time! I think I'm going to start carrying Gravol on flights from now on, simply so if it ever happens again I'll have something I can offer to the person!
Other than that it was a pretty uneventful flight. I mean besides the simply awesome bird's eye(and beyond) view of the lands and the heavens!
I came to this section of the morning prayers (see photo at the left) and it was pretty much at that moment I looked out to this ------------------------------------------->
While on the flight I got thinking about faith too.
In this week's Parshah we read one of the most amazing displays of faith in the Torah: the akeida (the binding of Isaac). Abraham had such complete faith in HaShem and His promises that he was willing to follow through on the sacrifice of his beloved son!
Sometimes people can accuse us of having a "blind faith". Something that is foolish and void of any "logical thought" or rationale. I got thinking about this on my flight yesterday and had to ask myself: "Is my faith in HaShem anymore "blind" than the faith I have that this pilot knows what he is doing and that he's going to get us to our destination safely?" How much more then should I have such an unwavering and unquestioning faith and confidence in the Creator of the universe!?
With that thought, here are a couple more pictures. How one can see this and not be in awe of G-d is very very strange to me! Lila Tov
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