Last night I had the special privilege of sharing Shabbat with my Grandparents! I wasn't sure how everything was going to go, I was just praying all day that HaShem would allow me the opportunity to have Erev Shabbat in some way shape or form.
Anyway I made Challah Friday afternoon. Then when sunset came around I pulled out my candles and siddur and invited Grandma to join me as I was going to say my Shabbat blessings. I struck that match and watched the flame catch on the wicks of those two tiny tea light candles I had hopefully shoved into my suitcase 5 days before and began to say the was the most natural candle lighting I have ever done. After I finished the Shabbat prayer I felt so honoured to be able to recite Eishet Chayil for my Grandma and wish her Shabbat Shalom.
G-d is so good, and I am so thankful for the time I have been able to spend with my Grandma and Grandpa T. listening to them tell stories of this or that, looking through old(or new photos), or just laughing together.
twinge of salt smell in the air.
I even dipped my toes in the ocean...okay well that was slightly by accident but hey! >
Really my only regret of the day was that I didn't go to Shul this
morning. I had one picked out but the weather was looking questionable and since it was a reasonable distance to walk I didn't chance it. I should have gone though, who cares if I would have gotten caught in a
little rain, oh well next time!
Shavua Tov!
Shavua Tov!
Sat down at Grandma T's piano on a Shabbat afternoon and this is what happened! :)
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