Sunday, 23 December 2012

His Eyes are On it Continually....

Nightfall is descending upon the day...the 10th of Tevet.  The anniversary of the day Babylon laid siege to Jerusalem...leading to the destruction of the Temple(9th of Av) and the 70 years of captivity in Babylon.

The Sages explain:

  “Every generation for which the Temple is not rebuilt, is as though the Temple was destroyed for that generation.”

That make's you think.

Close your eyes and imagine the whole story for a moment*. Imagine being there...perhaps you have been pricked by the words of the prophet who has foretold HaShem's punishment if Israel didn't mend her ways and have finally seen the corruption. Perhaps you have fasted and prayed, repented from your own misdeeds and have desperately taken the message to other's as well, hoping and praying that they will repent and HaShem will turn from His plan and spare you all. There are a handful that do perhaps...but most mock you and slam the proverbial "door in your face". Then one fateful day you are awakened by a great trembling! Thousands of Babylonian soldiers are marching up to know this is just the beginning...and your heart sinks to your feet.

Now that entire exercise is actually quite pointless if we don't use it as a reminder. We are not above the folks of the fact you might almost say we are more responsible having had their example to learn makes me think of these words to the Hebrews:

"Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it." Hebrews 2:1
and again

 "Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children..." -Deut. 4:9

I am only giving you a smidge here...but the point is we need to be diligent to guard(shamar - 8104) the way of the L-rd, hastening the day when Mashiach will return and set up the Sanctuary once again.

The days we mourn for the Temple(or rather lack there of) and it's destruction are sad days yes. However they are also seen as opportune times as well. Times to repent, to do what we can to align ourselves again with the Holy One and hasten that joyous day when Mashiach, the Son of David will be Leader over all Israel! May it be soon and in our days!

Shavua Tov

..."They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols and their detestable things, or with any of their transgressions. But I will save them from all the backslidings in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them; and they shall be my people, and I will be their God. 
"My servant David shall be king over them, and they shall all have one shepherd. They shall walk in my rules and be careful to obey my statutes. 
They shall dwell in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob, where your fathers lived. They and their children and their children's children shall dwell there forever, and David my servant shall be their prince forever.  
I will make a covenant of peace with them. It shall be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will set them in their land and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in their midst forevermore. My dwelling place shall be with them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  
Then the nations will know that I am the LORD who sanctifies Israel, when my sanctuary is in their midst forevermore." Ezekiel 37:23-28

*figure of probably found out it's hard to read with your eyes closed :P

Enjoy the's a little different.

Friday, 21 December 2012

From Me To You

I stayed up rather late last night writing the previous blog post...finally I was like "I need to go to bed!" crawled in under my cozy blankets...but I couldn't sleep...G-d had other plans...a rhyming novel apparently ;)

From Me To You
© K.Taylor Written December 21, 2012

I looked for Christ in Christmas
I looked in the stockings stuffed to the brim
I dug to the bottom but I didn't see him
I looked on the tree so shiny and bright
but got distracted by the cookies and twinkly lights
Then I looked for him in the presents a bit
but saw only the cards labelled "From ol Saint Nick"

I looked for Christ in Christmas
but didn't have much luck this year
then came Easter, surely I could find him here!
I looked in the Easter aisle here than there
lots of chocolate, but I didn't see Jesus anywhere!
I went to church had a stale square wafer,
two teaspoons of juice in a tiny cup made of paper
but I can count to 3 and things just didn't add up

Finally I looked in the bible,
that's where we should've start,
and as I dug deeper
 it cut straight to the heart
I learnt Shabbat is a sign
of seasons and cycles of time
 All through G-d's word there's this recurring theme
G-d has something call "moedim"!
For pete's sake why didn't I know!?
HaShem appointed His times long ago!

We begin with Pesach
celebrating G-d's great redemption
Our chains were broken and we were set free 
from Egypt's bitter bitter slavery
We eat matzah for seven whole days
cause chametz represents arrogancy
and there's just no room for that
 in what Yeshua did for me 

Shavuot we stood under a cloud
heard the words spoken clear and loud
and three times we repeated our vows
Yeshua is the bridegroom! 
Yes yes I see it all now!

Rosh Hashanah the trumpet will sound
and you better be ready
it just might be Him who's comin to town
Ten more days to get things straight
then it's time to pass through the judgement gate

We know we have sinned 
we know we have done wrong
so we fast on This Day all the day long
"We have erred and have caused a great breach
because your commandments we didn't keep"
The righteous he covers they'll never be lost
the wicked however are strained out like dross

Then out comes the lumber for a seven day feast!
We live in a sukkah...some might call it the least
but it's not about what we make with our hands 
it's about the provision G-d gave us in the desert sands
The cloud and the fire that guided our way
The Rock that followed
giving us water each day
The tag on the end is the last of the assembly 
"Shemini Atzeret" which represents eternity
Oh how awesome the Olam Haba shall be!
When the Mashiach shall forever dwell with me

No it doesn't stop there!
Chanukkah we commemorate His strength and might
remembering the Maccabees and their holy fight
and rededicate ourselves to Him when the menorah we light
as we kindle a new flame each consecutive night

And lets not forget Purim!
The spiel, the mask and disguise
all to remember how G-d used Hadassah
through ways that seemed quite normal or hidden
to save us from those who from the world wished us ridden
She became Queen Esther
but you see she had a hidden identity
which brought us salvation in our time of great need
proving that even when we don't see
HaShem is always here for you and me

Yes where ever I opened and looked 
It wasn't hard to find Mashiach at work
Christmas and Easter on the other hand?
G-d never said "use it to worship Me"
Nope! Open the book, go look and see!

I also learned the things that HaShem had to say
about people who changed His feasts and His ways.
Combining holy with polluted things
Then calling it "kosher" 
forgetting the curses the mix brings
That's when it hit me and I couldn't ignore it

He has an order and I've gotta stop messing it up
after all it's the least I can do - after He drank my cup
poured out His blood and saved me from sin's power too
So now I am wondering..what about you?
Maybe it's time for you to search too?

Cause it hardly seems right 
these things that we do,
when we let the light of His Torah shine through
No I am not condemning
Heck! I was there too!
But G-d kept me up late last night
to write this little note entitled "From Me To You"
 and I'm just wondering what you'll do
cause this time G-d's having the party
....and He's invited YOU!

My family has been on the awesome journey of Torah for over ten years now. Sometimes it's hard to express it all to people...especially at this time of year. Please feel free to share with your friends! This was HaShem's doing so if it can be of use in sharing why you do what you do....DO IT! Then let me know how it went!!! :o) Shabbat blessings to all!

Personal Parshah - Out of Egypt I called my son....

Life is short, too short to waste. Too short to be worried about what people think of you or to be too self critical. Just a little something G-d seems to really be drilling into me the last few various different ways.

I wrote a song a couple years ago**, at a time when I was really struggling with this. People's negative words and actions or simply the fear of them drove me into a sense of feeling like I was under a microscope 24/7, with people just hovering over me ready to pick me apart, find some flaw, or take something the wrong way. All the "if I do this they'll think this"-"if I screw this up then they'll think I'm an idiot"-"I have to do this or this otherwise people will get the wrong idea of what I believe" (the list could go on), all used as a desperate attempt to hold on to comfort...however they became just the opposite.

Now I am sure most of us have experienced people who genuinely are "waiting for you to mess up" so they can make themselves feel better by your failure. However more often it's our own microscope we need to break free from. I think I wrote a blog that touched on this* awhile back....and "8085ing" the whispering lies that continually test and try our faith in HaShem's words of life.

Negative words and comments are never easy to deal with but how much more difficult is it when they are also affirmed through your own self negativity? Can anything good or bad survive without the proper fodder to feed it? With all this in mind as well, how important is it to watch our words and actions toward others as well. Are we speaking words of life and encouragement to others to build them up and help them conquer their own fears? Or are we, heaven forbid, feeding the lies? As someone who has recently been the recipient of some sincere encouragement I can't tell you the difference it makes in helping you overcome and do battle against self doubt and ridicule....the whole "where two walk together" and "strand of three chords" thing is certainly true!

The past year G-d has brought me to an incredible state of vulnerability but at the same time encouraged my soul in so many ways, to depths I haven't(personally) ever experience before. Through the sleepless nights when in pain, fear and tears I repeated the mantra "The L-rd wounds, and the L-rd heals, He is good and does good! Blessed be his holy Name". Basically "this sucks right now but I know You are good and You must have a plan for all this somehow...who am I to argue?". There is something tremendously scary(like really scary!) but at the same time perfectly safe about that kind shalom from don't always feel safe but you know you are....does that make sense?

I don't know, I guess my point with all these disjointed ramblings is that if our confidence is in the Maker of All things, all those things that I mentioned(and more) in the second paragraph should not be the driving force behind our thoughts, words, or actions. I could be mistaken but I believe the reason why Yosef was able to be so successful was because he managed to maintain an unwavering faith and confidence in HaShem in spite of many 'less than desirable' circumstances. I am sure he felt fear! And you know, I have no doubt he wept as much as the sages say he did ;) but he endured, his faith won the battle and stayed with him as he ascended and descended throughout his life. We should follow this example! Don't renege because of discouraging circumstances, because you are afraid of people thinking you are totally nuts or don't have the goods to do something. If HaShem gave you a dream no matter how crazy. Do it! Dream it! Live it! He'll take care of the details. Heck, look at Moshe, Gideon, David, Sha'ul...and perhaps the best example of all: Yeshua HaMashiach! Some people though HE had a demon! WHAT?!

Okay so this is totally a pep talk to myself too so I am going to personalize it a bit more...I play piano, I write music...but put a sheet of written music in front of me and I sound like a kindergarten kid picking away at a piano...."so it goes F-A-C-E..okay so that's a high g..."....yeah so I can't read music -- but I write it? Okay yeeeeah that IS totally stupid!. BUT I love playing music, it's something that G-d laid on my heart in a very real way years and years ago, long before I even knew what a C chord was...sounding ridiculous and pathetic to you yet? Yep, me too, but hey....right now I don't care anymore. It's the way is! And if history is any example, I just maybe in good company.

 So be yourself; be who G-d made you to be. Don't let what others will think or say govern your life today or any other day....unless in a positive way ;). Embrace what makes you different; cause G-d's gonna use it. And never forget, so long as we are special to Him what the world thinks doesn't matter one bit!! Life isn't getting longer, the longer you wait the shorter it gets...

Shabbat Shalom!

*....yep I did 
** Maybe I will post sometime
 okay did anyone noticed how many "rhyme alerts" I didn't point out in this blog!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Well it's been a pretty productive night. There I go again, just when I start stressing about all my struggling G-d is faithful to grant me one (or a few!) little victories. Yeah I don't think it was all due to the fact that I was playing barefoot(...I think it does help a little bit though :)

Five weeks ago I had played some really great stuff off the cuff(whoa whoa rhyme alert!!) which was, thankfully, recorded...albeit not on my handy dandy little Playbook, meaning it isn't organized!! I know I is practically impossible for any musician (good or bad) to be organized...I still try though. Anyhooldes, tonight I was trying recreate a couple of those pieces so I could keep "trying to be organized" ha ha. But it is a whole different thing trying replay history...because honestly that's what my music is. It's the moment and the moment is generally in the world are you supposed to get back to the same level of sound with music like that?? I am not bragging on my music (at all if you know me at all I am my worst critic) in fact this is where it would pay off to be just a little mechanical....yes yes just a little would be nice. I think I succeeded though, after about ten trys ha ha, I will know better after I have a chance to go through each one and disparage over the inconsistencies. Oy vey.

The bonus of the night was some flurry of writing activity...which hasn't happened, genuinely, for what seems like forever. I was starting to feel like I wasn't going to make it out of the "desert" then bam! Inspiration hits at the oddest of moments while uploading a piece I had called "Struggle" and I didn't stop til I had run it dry, yep I got a second one out'a the deal....but I am holding back on that for now ;) can't give everything up at once you know.

It never ceases to surprise me that I can be so surprised when the Father brings me to a point of un-inspration..less-ness(gimme a break it's late), lets me pull a little more of my hair out in frustration and then coyly drops something pretty darn awesome in my's a pretty consistent happening. But hey it keeps you humble and it keeps things interesting. I think I'll have a wig made though....just in case.

Enjoy! Lila tov, good-night....or perhaps it should be boker tov, good morning?

K.Taylor - December 18th, 2012
Whether small or great
we all have them
some hide inside
don't know when
the next one's coming
it's not a gamble
maybe not even fate

---It's a struggle
    the push and pull
    of struggle
    give and take
    bend and break
    am I ever gonna win this
    struggle struggle

I go straight
end up goin' round
I get up I get knocked down
Well thank G-d
I haven't fallen from grace
cause I'm eatin dust
and I'm flat on my face

just when I think I've
pulled it across the line
I loose my grip
and now my feet are
beginning to slip
like fighting against gravity
is it even a possibility?

no no I won't let go
no no I won't let go
no no I won't let go
until you bless me
until you bless me

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Rag Denim Book Bag

Are you looking for the perfect bag to safely tote your books from place to place?

Made from just one pair of denim jeans this bag is equipped with four pockets(two inside two outside),  one main pouch measuring 13.75"x11.75"x2"(inside dimensions), and a comfy, 38", padded shoulder strap.
This bag turned out so well I really wish I could keep it for myself.....bags are my one down fall...that and hats....and maybe coats...:)

View it on the "Shop" page here:

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Gluten Free Hanukkah?

For all my gluten free friends out there! Here is a super easy recipe for you to try. Of course if you are not a fan of apples I guess you are out of luck...cause apples are where it's at!

Gluten Free Apple Fritters

1/2 cup of almond flour
1/2 rice flour
1 1/2 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp salt
*1/4 cup of sugar
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
1 Tbsp of shortening melted or a different oil
2 large apples
**oil for frying

* I generally cover them in a glaze or cinnamon sugar when they're done so I cut the sugar in half.
** Coconut oil is by far the healthiest oil for frying at such high heat but you can use regular vegetable oil or shortening.

Mix batter until thick but runny enough to provide a nice coating to your apple slices(about pancake batter consistency). Peel and slice your apples(about 1/4" thick), dip slices into the batter and fry in an electric skillet on high until nicely brown on either side. Time will vary depending on how thick you have coated the apple slices.

Enjoy! And happy chaunkkah

Ma'oz tzur y'shu-ati l'kha na-eh l'shabe-ah 
oh mighty Rock of my salvation to praise You is a delight!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Blink Twice and Life Changes

"Do you realize that all of your friends here are Torah submissive?" I said this to my sister as we drove home from our weekend visit north. I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous knowing I'd be returning home to live out my observance alone, at least as far as my peer group is concerned. She is not only my best friend but was my only buddy who shared my faith and desire to submit to Torah. We helped keep each other accountable when we were with our non-Torah friends and could encorage and support each other when we were discouraged about something we didn't understand. So with the reality of her moving almost 3000km away for good kinda stinks.

However, I know she is happy.  I've also seen first hand that she will be gaining a great family and that helps. I guess the downside to having strong family ties(unlike those in this week's parshah) is that it is a lot harder to let go. On the bright side I guess I don't have to worry about leaving her behind all alone, who knows where I could end up now! Maybe I'll finally get to move to the Yukon without feeling bad about it (good sarcasm is totally lost in written form) :p my parents would kill me :) (hi mum!) So needless to say, now more than ever, flexibility is top of the list for my "ideal job". If you have any suggestions forward them to my secretary....due to budget cuts that means me.

I have to smile just a bit though. Having been the recipent of many woes of expected and dreaded spinsterhood for nearly ten years (and constantly trying to affirm her otherwise) it is reeeeeally hard to not say "I told you so!", with a huge grin on my face, more than, at least...once a day! ha ha, no, I don't do that but I think it a lot :)

ah HaShem is good, He is bound to surprise you sooner or later! Lila tov y'all

p.s. I know what you're thinking "another blog so soon?!" - Excuse.....trouble sleeping, got a cold and...I am piano-less remember :P

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Social Media - the fastest vehicle of MIS-information on the information highway

I don't know about you but I am getting totally fed up with all the false information that's being carried around on the back of social media outlets these days. Especially when the bulk of it is completely avoidable! *No Hungary didn't make a law requiring Jews to wear a yellow patch! **No Ben Stein didn't write some flowery monologue in response to a "holiday tree" comment made by the White House. ***And no the reason why your "baby-cut-carrots" go white is not anything to do with chlorine...that's just what happens when a peeled carrot starts to dry out...yeah I know it really blows your mind doesn't it!

I apologize if this is coming out like a Rick Mercer rant on CBC but really! The facts are out there folks if we would just take a couple seconds to check to see if what we are about to "share" is actually credible. If we aren't willing to do that then maybe we should consider whether or not we have any business passing it on to our unsuspecting family and friends via our favourite social media(which, for the Facebook hater, includes your mouth)....or being on the internet at all for that matter.

So the next time we complain about the "media" maybe we should think about the kinds of things that we are circulating to our viewers/listeners. Lets do our research folks so we can share the good stuff...if not, lets all just shut up.

"It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"

* Jews wore gold stars in protest of Marton Gyongyosi's suggestion that Hungary compile a list of "people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a national security risk to Hungary"

There is absolutely NO law requiring Jews to wear any kind of identifying mark

** A fraction of the monologue is Stein the remainer seems like a cut and paste game which changes from year to year.